My latest creative endeavor, to become a published writer, and the trials and tribulations.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


This week brought ponderings about making some changes in my business. I have a desire to be independently owned and operated, like I was in Minneapolis 10 years ago. I will make more money and my own decisions, but it involves money, of course, and a great deal has been discussed this week with my 2 besties as to how to achieve this.

So the book is simmering in the distance. I have picked at it a little, but not as much as I'd like. Still not sure about the direction I'm taking in splitting it in two, but Colby reminded me last night that the performances we like the least are often the most highly regarded by others. Of course I have had this experience in my own performance, but not in a while, as I've become older and a better judge of my own work, but I wonder if it applies to writing as well? Still, it's difficult to keep motivated when at one point I was overjoyed to be "finished".

My first Nebraska trip comes in about a week and I've gotten about 2/3 of the material; the other 1/3 was promised on Wednesday night and has not yet arrived, so that concerns me a bit. Many decisions about the shape and form and personnel of the production cannot be decided until I get there and meet with the potential performers and crew. I hope they realize that we need to marathon this in the two separate weeks I'm there and that they need to be working very diligently while I'm not there. It's difficult to convey this to non-theatre people, which many of them are. I do find myself very excited about the project! This is a very unique production - different to anything I've directed or produced before, and has its own set of challenges that will be new to me and to everyone involved. I think it is always good for us to need to adapt. It expands our boundaries and makes the "traditional" work we do stand out more.

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