My latest creative endeavor, to become a published writer, and the trials and tribulations.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Moving forward

First of all, congratulations to my bff, Colby, who has a great new job and new place to live! I'm very proud of you, Colby!

Rewrite my whole first book from the other main character's perspective.
After lots of hemming and hawing and soul searching, I have discovered that the power in the first book is from Jack's point of view. He has much more drama about their relationship than Lizzie does. Her power is in the second book, which is still about 1/2 finished.
I went to a very informative workshop on Jan 29th at PCC, given by Bobbie Christensen. She's self-published 11 (I think) books.
Here are some things I learned:
- 80% of all books published today are self-published
- You only earn 3-4% profit when you are published traditionally, as opposed to 45% self-published
- It only costs about $3,000 to self-publish and you can earn most of those costs before your book comes out
- It's very easy to organize a book-signing and sell 20-30 books at every signing
- Only 7% of all book sales are e-books

In the 20 or so years, she has NEVER met somebody who has been published through a literary agent for fiction or non-fiction (screenplays, yes, but not books). Cool thing - if you attend her class (see her website above) you get free consulting with her.

Next project:
Advertising through homeschool networks to pick up daytime students. I have found 3 and am working on ads for those, but if you know of any organizations or individuals, please send them my way!

Next project:

Spring recital, Sunday April 10th 4&6 at Altadena Community Church. Getting the kids ready. The singers will be on their own separate recital (date tba) due to scheduling conflicts.

Next project:
Gotta get back to London!