My latest creative endeavor, to become a published writer, and the trials and tribulations.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Existential ponderings

Having one of those periods where I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life. Not much, is the answer. Although I am completely aware that this happens every August, when more than half of my schedule cancels due to vacations and camps. I have 35 students and only 15 are going to have their lessons this week. All the free time makes me freak out because I feel so unproductive. Then, like a stoopid hooman, I get LESS productive. Ask me how much I've written this week? No, don't ask. I was being ironical.

Plus, I have a miserable cold, which isn't subsiding much despite the Z-pack Julie gave me (thanks Julie!). I think I have watched more TV this weekend than I have in the last year - the entirety of Season 4 of House (all 14 episodes), Benjamin Button, Drain the Ocean on NatGeo, a couple of older movies (Man in the Iron Mask - Leo sucks in this - ok, Leo sucks in everything but Gilbert Grape), and plan to watch the Joan Rivers Roast tonight. She is the most worthy person on the planet of being roasted, isn't she? I mean, one look at her inspires a landslide of great material!

And this whole weekend of being a couch potato, I have not watched 1 thing with Matthew Macfadyen in it. What the hell is wrong with me?

OK, I really am going to write now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz - I am really looking forward to seeing you at the 20 year (gasp)! Save some chat time for me.
