My latest creative endeavor, to become a published writer, and the trials and tribulations.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A great week!

I know, this blog is supposed to be about my book, but I've been writing a little of the main characters' backstories, which is kind of fun, but not very productive. Haven't submitted to any agents. Gotta get back on that.

On Tuesday, I got some great news.  I went to court for my business a few weeks ago and the outcome was entirely favorable, as predicted. This has been a long battle, and I was fairly confident all along, but you never know what a judge will say.  Anyway, all is well and I am happy to move forward with a clear head about it.

I am beginning the process of moving to Pasadena, which I've wanted to do for a long time. Have to save quite a bit more money, but now I can see the light at the end of that tunnel. I've wanted out of North Hollywood for several years - it's scary here sometimes and I have a couple of very strange neighbors and there is violence from time to time. Pasadena is nicer, cleaner, safer, beautiful and where I work!  I've been perusing rental postings and it looks like I might actually be able to afford a 2-bedroom if I look hard enough.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Robert Cauer Violins with Kayla, James and David Valencia and their awesome mom, Julie, to get Kayla and David new cellos. After we did that, we had a pizza/pool party. Kayla was too tired to swim, but David and James and I had a blast in the pool!  Have also been there to get a violin for Derek Mayo, a cello for Jason Mayo, a cello for Frida Lizarraga, and more to come.  I love that many of my piano students are changing to strings! I hope they stick with it!  It's nice to have students who have proven their practice record now playing what I love most to teach them!

Finally got the DVDs from the April 18 recital.  They turned out beautifully, thanks to Aileen and Greg, and were worth the wait!  I have to figure out how to put some vidcaps on my website from the DVD. Never done that before.

Yesterday, had a lovely lunch with Aileen, Colby (who is in town every Monday and Friday) and Aileen's mom, Louise, who will be returning to Maine on Tuesday. We went to Choza Mama in Burbank - amazing Peruvian restaurant across from NBC.

Remember to watch The Pillars of the Earth on Starz starting July 23! It's going to be brilliant!

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