The first week of camp culminated tonight with a performance/bbq. It well, but I'm going to push for it to go even better next week with just a bit more discipline! In the meantime, I'm going to sleep all weekend because I'm pooped.
Due to camp busy-ness, I haven't written as much as I would have liked, although I'm still picking away at it and still bummed about certain scenes I know I will have to lose. I have given copies to 2 friends (one of whom actually made the copies), who are going to comb through it for me. I'm excited to hear their comments and have the book seen from other perspectives.
A snippet from chapter 2:
Jack had a lot to tell his sister, Cecilia about his first week of school so far. First, he needed to speak to his nieces, who were nearing bedtime. They were charming, giggly twelve-year old twins he always loved as if they were his sisters and to whom he was godfather. He then told Cecilia all about school; how he’d won the position of Principal Second Violin, how his teacher had assigned him the Sibelius Violin Concerto, which he’d wanted to play for a long time, how he’d already been requested for two recording sessions for student films being made on campus, and all about the cellists they’d auditioned to replace Timothy Craig in their quartet.
“The one we chose, she’s called Elizabeth, and she’s fantastic,” he reported.
“Is she a new student?” Cecilia asked.
“No…well, new to the music department, but she’s a senior. She’s really quite good, even though she has not studied music since she was in secondary school. She’s actually earned third chair in the cello section, which is quite impressive for her first time out.”
“That is impressive,” she agreed. Cecilia understood how these things worked, because she played the oboe and piano while growing up, and got very proficient at both before deciding to become an attorney, after their father.
Jack took a deep breath. “Cela…” If he could confide in anyone, it was his sister.
“What’s wrong?” She sensed his trepidation.
“I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“You fancy her.”
“Yes, very much,” he replied. “She caught my eye at rehearsal on Wednesday. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Then, when she called yesterday to set up her audition time, I knew it was her the minute she spoke. And today…she is such a brilliant musician. I was afraid I was biased, but Chris and Maggie agreed. They like her very much too. But, she left with Chris at the end of her audition to have lunch with him.”
“Do you think he fancies her as well?”
“They certainly seemed to get on quite well. She’s not typically Chris’s type. I think she’s…” He almost uttered that she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. “Well, who’s to say he doesn’t like her as well?”
“Is she nice?”
“Yes. And very funny and bright and…” he stopped himself and grunted. “What am I doing?”
“Did you talk to her?”
“Not alone. Just with the group.”
“You should talk to her, Jack. I know you’re committed to your studies, but there’s no harm in getting to know this young lady. I’m sure you can manage.”
Jack hesitated again. “The thing is…I feel really nervous around her. I’m so afraid I’d just make a huge ass of myself. I’ve never felt this strongly before, but I can’t stop it. I don’t know if I want it to stop.”
“All the more reason to talk to her. Is she pretty?”
Her image flashed across his vision; long locks of dark wavy hair, pink lips, long neck, and beautiful bottle green eyes. He thought could look into her eyes and see himself deep within them. “She’s beautiful,” he replied, softly.
“I think you might be in love, Jack,” she advised.
Jack groaned a bit. “I think I might be in trouble here. I really can’t afford to get involved with anyone before I finish school; you know what I’m like. I have to stay committed and a girl like her…she’d be a huge distraction.”
“Well, I think a distraction would be brilliant. I’ve always wanted to see you fall in love. You’re quite a catch you know. And you’re organized enough to stay on top of everything.”
He smiled. “Thanks, Cela. Happy birthday.”