Saw the changing of the guard. A whole band plays while they change, both before and after.
Then I toured the house. Here are some highlights:
A lot of it is under construction, but it was still great to see it! I took a lot of pictures here because Jack's fictional house would have been built about the same time. This is the grand staircase, which looks much bigger in the movie!
This is a really cool bedroom
and it's like a little side part of the room with this funky carved ceiling. I thought it was pretty and would have been something like Jack's mother's room. Those are fur coats on the bed.
After I left, I went back to that bus stop and there was no schedule for that direction, so I wasn't sure when it would, but i was guessing it'd be about an hour. So I went into a convenience store and he gave me a number for a taxi. I didn't want to walk - it was another 3 miles back to the train, and my feet really hurt! Unfortunately, the taxi couldn't come for an hour. I went back in and asked if he knew another taxi company, and he didn't, so I went back outside and of course, the bus went flying by! I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't stop, even with me running down the street shouting at him! So I called the taxi company back and said come when you can get here, and this really nice guy (and very cute!) who was pumping his petrol overheard me and offered me a ride to the train station! I was so relieved and grateful! When I offered to give him some money for gas he told me, "Don't be daft!" We talked a lot about LA (he's been there, plus San Diego & Vegas) and how he likes San Diego best. Very cute guy, too! Wish I had taken a picture of him!
So, I came back to Paddington and had a little stuffed chicken breast (and a glass of wine) for dinner at an Italian place on the way back. Now I am soaking my very sore feet!
Tomorrow, I will finally ride the London Eye! Although, of course it's supposed to rain. I'm going to go down to Mayfair for a bit, then out to Twickenham, where Jack's sister lives, and then ride the Eye, and then I'm meeting somebody before the play for dinner at 6 in front of the theatre. Good times...